Home > Links of Interest > Personal Surf Gallery

Personal Surf Gallery


There was some great surf last month and I thought I would upload a few images to my personal website (www.greglever.co.nz) for all you surfers who are following my blog. If you are not a surfer, well who knows, you may enjoy them anyway. So go take a look by clicking here.


From time to time I will upload some more surf images to the same location, so keep checking back regularly.

Hope you get out there and get some waves of your own. If not, you can always come back and drawl over the pictures here! 😉

Bye for now.


Categories: Links of Interest Tags: ,
  1. July 26th, 2010 at 10:41 | #1

    thank you

  2. September 2nd, 2010 at 12:26 | #2

    You’re welcome! 🙂

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